Password Check

Another local password evaluation algorithm

You can check here how secure your chosen password is. After entering it in the box "Password" the tool shows at once a detailed analysis of your password along with tips to improve its security.

Test Your Password
Number of characters+(n*4)
Uppercase letters+((len-n)*2)
Lowercase letters+((len-n)*2)
Middle numbers or symbols+(n*2)
Letters only-n
Numbers only-n
Repeat characters (case insensitive)-(n*3)
Consecutive uppercase letters-(n*2)
Consecutive lowercase letters-(n*2)
Consecutive Numbers-(n*2)
Sequential letters (at least 3)-(n*3)
Sequential numbers (at least 3)-(n*3)
    Exceptional: Exceeds minimum standards. Additional bonuses are applied.
    Sufficient: Meets minimum standards. Additional bonuses are applied.
    Warning Advisory against employing bad practices. Overall score is reduced.
    Failure: Does not meet the minimum standards. Overall score is reduced.
Password can only be 40 characters long.

Minimum Requirements:
  • Minimum 8 characters in length
  • Contains 3/4 of the following characters:
    • Uppercase letters
    • Lowercase letters
    • Numbers
    • Symbols

Please keep in mind that the tool is no guarantee for a secure password. It does, for example, not check whether your password includes words that occur in dictionaries. Such checks are possible e.g. with the offline version CrypTool 1 (CT1) or with the Password Meter in CTO.

Your password is evaluated only locally within your browser. It will not be sent back to the CTO server.

General recommendations:

 CTOAUTHOR: Christian Sieche, Password meter