Number Converter

Converts numbers to various other number systems

Enter an integer. It will be converted to different representations.

Number too big to fit in register length:

A few examples

2216260001 0110
5001F47640001 1111 0100
250FA3721111 1010

A few examples for 2-complement

DecimalHexadecimalOctalBinary (16-bit)
5550000 0000 0000 0101
10A120000 0000 0000 1010
2216260000 0000 0001 0110
100641440000 0000 0110 0100
-2FFFE1777761111 1111 1111 1110
-10FFF61777661111 1111 1111 0110
-100FF9C1776341111 1111 1001 1100

Author: Jean Michel Polak

The number converter can convert an integer from one numeral system to another numeral system. Four numeric systems are available: decimal system, binary system, octal system and hexadecimal system.

If you enter a suitable number in the text field of a numeral system, the number - converted - appears immediately in the other text fields. If you change a number, all fields are immediately recalculated.

You can also display the binary number in two's complement. The two's complement is a representation of negative Integer numbers in the dual system, which does not need additional characters like + and -. Here you can set the number of bits used to display the binary number.


A numeral system is a system for representing numbers. The representation format is not necessarily fixed, many numeral systems are realized in a payment script or payment words. A number is generated according to syntactic rules as a sequence of numerals, also called numbers are shown.
